The Government grants permission to make a progress on THEOS-2 satellite Going forward on a complete development for the country with Space Technology Pointing out that it is beyond a satellite!!!

The Government grants permission to make a progress on THEOS-2 satellite
Going forward on a complete development for the country with Space Technology
Pointing out that it is beyond a satellite!!!

       Mr.Nattaporn Jatusripitak, an adviser to the Office of the Prime Minister declared the cabinet resolution on March 14, 2017 that the cabinet meeting approved an operation of Thailand Earth Observation Satellite or “THEOS-2” and agreed on changing an investment format from Government to Government (G2G) to GISTDA regulations on procurement B.E.2535 (1992) as Ministry of Science and Technology has proposed. The main purpose is to develop and accumulate infrastructure of each department in order to reform Decision System and spatial management of the country both on satellite launch and development, image producing system development and Geoinformatics management, infrastructure improvement in Information Technology, capability development of industrial sector, and Space Technology Service, including Application System in 6 areas; water, agriculture, natural disaster, national security, natural resource, and city management, which will ensure continuity from beneficial utilization of Geo-Informatics and Space Technology.
       As a consequence of the cabinet’s assignment to Ministry of Science and Technology on November 18, 2014 to consult with the associated sector in order to inquire supporting method for Thaichote satellite, which is about to reach its end of life, by considering worthwhile benefit as well. Geo Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Public Organization) AKA GISTDA has revised the research which has been studied since 2013 and gathered additional data and has come to a conclusion that it requires a complete development of Thailand Earth Observation Satellite or THEOS-2; starting from the upstream process which are satellite itself and launching, then followed by the midstream process which are data bank, image service, and value-added product obtained from satellite image translation, and lastly is the downstream process which is application system of each sector based on the country’s various mission. In addition, it requires infrastructure development on Information Technology, associated personnel development, and capability development of research institute and innovation development, including Space and Satellite Industrial Entrepreneur of the country.
      Therefore, THEOS-2 system is not only providing a satellite, but it is also a cumulative of infrastructure to many sectors in order to reform Decision System and spatial management of the country, which is considered as an important strategy for the country development that will help improving science and technology infrastructure, increasing economic, social, and environmental capability to the country. Afterwards, it will take 5 years of an operation for THEOS-2; from 2017-2021 with a 7,800 million Baht investment. The suitable process is that both of the government and private sectors with technical capabilities to submit a tender and proposal to ensure fair and above-board competition, worthwhile investment, and maximum benefit to the country.

Admin 15/3/2017 1202 0
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